
Archive for August, 2009

Chipotle Rip-Off

I love Chipotle’s rice, but if I eat a whole burrito or bowl there, I feel so full I want to barf (plus its $5+ a pop).  So I decided to make my own chipot-bowls.  I went on the internets and found what looked like a respectable recipe for rip-off rice and went from there.   Basically it’s rice, beans, chicken, cheese and salsa/ lettuce if you want.   Makes enough meals for 4 hearty lunches for under $15.

Rice (I just threw it all in my rice cooker, because I’m Asian like that):

2 teaspoon vegetable oil or butter
3 tsp. fresh cilantro
2 cup white basmati rice
2 cup water
1 teaspoon salt
juice from 2 limes

I didn’t have basmati rice so I used half brown rice and half jasmine (I think?).


I just used canned black beans from Henry’s.  If you empty the can of all the bean juice you won’t get a soggy mess AND that lowers the sodium A LOT.


I cooked the chicken in the slow cooker.  Bought 2 lbs chicken tenders (was on sale, vs. breasts) from Henry’s, threw ‘em in there for about 6 hours on low with 2 cups of chicken stock and 4-5 tablespoons of taco seasoning (I buy the kirkland kind, but any kind works).  Easiest chicken ever.  Once it’s done, just shred with a fork.


Shredded cheddar


I was lazy and forgot salsa so I just added some black olives.  I bought some cabbage for it, but then realized that it would get soggy if I heated up in the microwave at work…oh well.  I guess you could pack lettuce/ cabbage separately.

finished product

finished product

Then I just threw it all in containers for lunches (rice, beans, chicken, cheese, other) and I’m good for the week!

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